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Win a Google Nest thermostat

1 prize to be won!

Enter this competition to win the Google Nest learning thermostat (3rd Generation): the ultimate home temperature control solution designed to revolutionize your living space. With its cutting-edge technology and sleek design, this smart thermostat brings comfort, energy efficiency, and convenience to a whole new level.

The Nest adapts to your lifestyle, learning your preferred temperatures and automatically adjusting them to keep you cozy when you're home and conserving energy when you're away. Say goodbye to manual temperature adjustments and hello to effortless comfort.

One of the key features of the Nest is its ability to learn from your temperature preferences over time. By analyzing your patterns and daily routines, it creates a personalized schedule that ensures your home is always at the perfect temperature when you need it. No more waking up to a chilly house or returning to a stuffy room—Nest takes care of it all.


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Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 12/09/2025.


Google Nest Learning Thermostat 3rd Generation x1